Sadness and Suffering – Why is there sooo much?

“When I buy the pearl of great price, there is no other pearl like it. I sell all in this world to buy it.” “I sell all beliefs in powers other than my own wonderful human imagination.” “And everyone, because he has imagination and everyone can imagine and everyone can believe in the reality of his imaginal act, is […]

Why Manifestors Burn Out and How Not to….

Fantasy doesn’t move you… Feeling it Real unleashes the fire within… The more you get the foundations perfect… The more on fire you’re gonna be… And burnout won’t be part of your world anymore… Dive Deeper Soar Higher! Hey mate, Because I wasn’t getting results as fast as I wanted, I used to wonder if […]

What’s New and What’s News? (Sooo Exciting!)

Here’s how TT manifested a Collector’s Class Mercedes in 77 minutes.. Click Here! Update #2 – We’ve BIG TIME changed The Podcast… we’ve taken this year of super shifts… (There’s even more we haven’t shared publically yet…) And we’ve launched a NEW 4 week program… The Destiny Project. It’s perfect and perfectly paced […]

VIDEO: “You Don’t Need to Feel It Real to Manifest?” Click Here! DreamDrivenDay! Hey TT and V! It is amazing how quickly the last 30 or so days have gone. Learnings for a lifetime, a lifetime of learnings. Deep shifts have happened and continue to happen, in my personal and business lives. I am very grateful for the new tools, and I am continuing […]

Download – The Inner Conversation Mastery Live Call Recording

“The future becomes the present and reveals itself in our inner speech.” “To be held by the inner speech of fulfilled desire is to be safely anchored in life.”  “All happiness depends on the active voluntary use of imagination “ – Neville Goddard   In Friday’s live call we dove deep into… Beyond Self Talk […]

Neville Goddard – How To Manifest Marriage – The Lost Wedding Ring Method Notice how Victoria reacted… She lost her wedding ring… It felt WEIRD not to have it on her finger… You can use that FEELING to manifest marriage… BONUS POINTS:  Notice how TT used being in the pool – to manifest EASILY losing weight… (He’s been doing this for just ONE MONTH now and having […]

Why Did Jessica Joy’s $225 Instant Win Work? Have Wins Like this!Get The Instant Manifesting Super Pack Today! Click Here! Save $70 today! Today I was signing some checks to get deposited, and I was like, “ya know what? I’m going to have some fun with this.” (Notice how PLAY showed up…) So I just surrendered to the feeling of signing the […]