Don’t Detach from Your Dreams.
Detach like Judas.
The lesson of Judas. This is from the 12th month of the remarkable program. We’re in that right now. And I got to share this with you. I’m so wound up about this. It’s 6:32am, the sun has just risen up in the sky. Barely.
My name is Mr. 2020. And you’re listening to me coming to you live from Melbourne, Australia.
Let’s dive in. Neville says until man lets go of that which he is now conscious of being, he will not become that which he desires to be.
Most people skip this first step, you have to let go of who you’ve been.
The man who has called Judas into being has learned how to take his attention away from problems or limitations. And to place it upon that which is the solution or savior. – Neville Goddard
Your savior is your imaginal experience.
You get to accept the reality of your imaginal act.
You don’t detach from your imaginal act, you don’t detach from your dream, you don’t detach from your desire.
You detach from who you’ve been.
You take your attention away from the problems or limitations notice this is entirely backwards compared to what everyone else is teaching, including a lot of Neville teachers.
You don’t surrender it to the universe, you surrender to the state of your wish fulfilled. You experience the world, you experience your life, your thinking, your emotions all come from that state. And by the way, you do this every day, you do it so fast, that most people do it on autopilot.
Most people do it out of habit. Most people are just passive imaginers….
Keep Going!
Dive Way Deeper in
Right now…
Imagine Tarzan going through the jungle he’s got to let go of one vine to reach for the other.
That space in between the vines is where he gets to really get He is God having the adventure of a lifetime.
But don’t settle for my explanation of it.
Join us for the experience in ManifestingMasteryCourse!
And the other bit with Judas he takes his attention off of the problem off the limitation and and experiences the solution and the solution is imagination in action. Go play Have a lovely day. My name is Mr. 2020 coming to you live from Melbourne Australia. Sharing is caring. Have a great day