“When I buy the pearl of great price, there is no other pearl like it. I sell all in this world to buy it.”
“I sell all beliefs in powers other than my own wonderful human imagination.”
“And everyone, because he has imagination and everyone can imagine and everyone can believe in the reality of his imaginal act, is free.”
“It sets a man free!”
Neville Goddard

21,237 emails (over the past 12 years) PROVE that the Pearl of Great Price – is THE cornerstone.
Hey mate,
But REALLY looking at it brought home BIG TIME…
Most folks – have problems – FULLY buying the pearl.
And it’s WHERE they haven’t bought it – that they have their problems with this stuff.
These 21,237 emails from people (just like me and just like you) PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt, THE PEARL is the CORNERSTONE.
(Note – if YOU have sent me ANY emails – where you’ve been frustrated – it is WELL WORTH noticing – at that time did YOU REALLY and TOTALLY buy the pearl – where you were having problems – or were you IN ANY WAY buying into SOMETHING OR SOMEONE having control over you?
Because, when you do BUY the pearl – in ALL it’s ways…
- You find this FAST AND FUN.
(And you get why we are NUTS about this stuff!)
On the other hand, ANYTIME you find this a STRUGGLE or feel it is SLOW…
- That’s when – there is someplace in your life – letting you know – you haven’t FULLY bought the pearl.
But buying the pearl isn’t what MOST PEOPLE think….
And it’s a total game changer to notice…
“HAVE YOU REALLY – TOTALLY – GIVEN UP belief in ANYTHING having POWER over you…”
- Power over what you are manifesting…
- Power over what happens or what is happening in your life….
Or do you have SOME RESERVATION – maybe even a back up plan somewhere….
“I want it soooo bad!!!!!!”
The GOLD buried deep in The Pearl is what gave me FREEDOM.
THIS is why 12 years ago, we put it ALMOST EXACTLY in the middle of Manifesting Mastery and this is why we last month TOOK FIVE FUN FILLED HOURS to mine and refine this GOLD for you!
Now, it’s time to DIVE way deeper!
Mr. Twenty Twenty
PS: Read how THIS all happened below…. It’s a RIPPER!
Last month, (May 21, 2022) we decided to do ONE live group call, on The Pearl of Great Price, for just 10 people.
We hadn’t done ANYTHING like this for almost 5 years.
(You’ll find out WHY we did that and HOW that one call became 3 Ahhhmazing calls – AND WHAT HAPPENED after that – in just a moment.)
All I can say now is, The Pearl of Great Price Call series totally rocked, and…
And today you are GETTING ALL THREE PEARL CALLS for the price of just ONE!
(That’s over 5 SOLID HOURS of LIVE EXPLORING with TT himself!)
(And NOW you can listen ANYTIME – ANYWHERE!)
So here’s WHY we did the PEARL OF GREAT PRICE calls and why this is so amazing!
We did the first PEARL CALL on Federal voting day in Australia…
- Because in Australia – you are required – by law – to vote. (And you get FINED when you don’t.)
- But to be honest, I’m not really into wasting time….
- “I don’t wait – and I don’t waste….” I invest.
- So instead of going to the polls and standing in line…
Instead of STANDING in line – for HOURS – like a sheep – to vote “for a change”, I chose to sit down with 10 cool kids live – and play at warp speed in over drive – exploring the Pearl of Great Price.
(That ONE call… turned into THREE life changing LIVE CALL events over the next month…. because of what we did that day.)
And that became the CORE of your Pearl Power Pack.
Neville Goddard said we came here for a divine purpose and that is to know imagination.
That is – the truth – about you – that sets you free.
“Because the more you REALLY explore THE PEARL the more you get that YOU are the pearl – the one – the only – the cause of your freedom.”
And the more DEEPLY you get that – the less you are going to struggle and be stuck in the slow lane.
You’ve got a choice to make.
You are God having the adventure of a lifetime. It’s time to start living that way!

“But tonight, you believe me. And if you didn’t know this was the pearl of great price, and I brought it to you this night, I hope you’ll buy it.”
“But like all the great things of scripture, you can’t buy wine, buy milk, without money, without price.”
“The only price you pay for it. Not dollars and cents; you give up your belief in powers outside of Christ Jesus, and Christ Jesus is your own wonderful human Imagination.”
Neville Goddard